Amazon Chaser: While he notices Alhandra's pretty, he seems more captivated/enamored by the fact that she's tall, built, devout, self-confident, and can kick people's backsides six ways from Sunday.Though whether underneath the surface it's being played straight, exaggerated, lampshaded, subverted, or deconstructed depends on which story you happen to be reading (and sometimes which chapter of said story). All-Loving Hero: He's pretty consistently portrayed at least on the surface as seeing the good in everyone and wanting to be good to everyone.Good Is Not Nice: Though less that she's Lawful Stupid, and more that she's a bit tactless, aggressive, impatient, and prone to enjoying viciously teasing and picking on people.Even the Girls Want Her: It would probably be faster to list the characters of either sex who have met her that aren't somehow enamored with, worshipful of, and/or jealous of her.Depending on the Artist/ Writer: Her hair color.She then joined up as a paladin as a response to feeling jilted.OK, then. She refused, wanting to wait until their wedding day, so he indirectly lied that they did it anyway by not countering the resulting gossip and rumors, which resulted in her reputation being ruined and the marriage being broken off. Apparently she was engaged to be married, and at one point when her and her fiancé were alone away from civilization he tried to talk her into having sex with him ahead of time. She knows she's considered attractive as a general thing, but whenever anyone actually has an attracted reaction to her, she doesn't seem to really notice.

Amazonian Beauty: She's described as pretty, tall, and hard-looking/muscular on a regular basis.